Vincent Hyland

Vincent Hyland is an award-winning digital Content (media)creator.[1] Awards include; Best website of the year (1999) and best consumer specialist magazine of the year (2002) for Wild Ireland - Ireland's first wildlife website and magazine. In 2000 he wrote, filmed, photographed and web broadcast the award-winning (Prix d'Europe) Nestwatch 2000, the story of Jacky and Daw which was featured on Mooney Goes Wild - RTE Radio and TV. The story followed the daily lives of Jackdaws in a nest.

He was the first person to take the then largest group of Irish people to the Antarctic Peninsula in 2002, following in the footsteps of Shakelton, Crean and others. He made a documentary of the trip which featured on TV3.

He has filmed underwater marine life in Antarctica, Galapagos, South and North America and Africa. He now resides in Derrynane, Co. Kerry where he documents the areas biodiversity.

His last two TV projects were 1) The Search for Ireland's Giant Turtles - a BBC NHU production, broadcast on BBC in 2007 and 2) Spawning Seatrout, broadcast in May 2010 for RTE'S Living the wildlife series.

He is the 1st person/publisher in Ireland to be published on the Promethean Planet Interactive Whiteboard resources site.


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